Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Follow Up Wednesday

I'm going to try out this thing called Follow Up Wednesday for you guys even though i haven't posted anything lately that's why I created Follow Up Wednesday for those weeks that I have not posted anything on so I thought I'll give it a shot. So I have been recently been on this app called Fashionlista (a lot definitely more time than I should have been on) and it's really cool. So basically what you do is on this app is you like what people have Fashionlista helps you save & share your greatest fashion finds from all over the web.
Browsing other people’s fashion finds is a great way to get fresh inspiration. Discover the style of top fashion bloggers and influencers from all over the world.

'Love' your favorites to save them to your profile, which will become your ultimate wish list of items that you love, want, or that simply inspire you. You are sure to discover stylish new items, stores and designers every day.
Next up is um, well, still haven't figured that out, but be sure to follow me on Fashionlista and "Love" some of the stuff I found.It would be awesome is you guys tell what you want to see more of from me in the comment section.       

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